Building Design
- We adopt the widespread use of LED lighting, which use at least 50% less energy and last 25-50 times longer than traditional incandescent or fluorescent lighting.
- We use a centralised cooling system for our AC units (using chilled water or Refrigerant) to maintain energy efficiency.
- We use empirical studies to optimise the range of AC temperature setting. Every temperature adjustment outside of this range can dramatically increase energy consumption by about 5-10% for every 1 degree Celsius.
- Lifts will be installed with regenerative drives to convert kinetic energy generated as it moves to electricity, which then powers itself.
- We use motion detectors or occupancy sensors in common areas which means that lights are not switched on unless somebody enters the area.
- Our buildings are designed to provide ample access to natural ventilation and daylight around the facility.
- At YSuites City Gardens, we installed a green façade which provides passive shading to East and West facing facades. The airflow between green facade and the external skin of the building promotes energy efficiency by natural cooling effects, as tenants require less air condition during the hotter months.
- We adopt a swipe card system which controls the power supply to lights and the air-conditioning in each apartment. This means that when you are out of the room, the light and AC system gets turned off automatically.
- Our water fittings and taps are rated 5 stars by the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards, which measures efficiency of water consumption.
- We use dedicated co-mingling bins to encourage students to recycle.
- We install solar panels on roof to reduce electricity consumption for our properties in Adelaide.
Community Operation Practice
- Recycling bins in common areas.
- We run a container Deposit Scheme and educate students about recycling Containers. Monetary incentive from recycling efforts are reinvested back into our student community.
- Our student-led green club takes ownership and leads student community efforts to ensure a clean and sustainability living environment.
- We organise talks to raise awareness and educate students on waste reduction and the 3Rs: reduce, reuse and recycle.
- We organise “green” events, teaching students how to make your own terrarium, and on how to make their own organic cleaning products.